
The Village's zoning code includes regulations governing communications towers and antennas in the Village. Please review the application and review process before submitting an application to the Village.

Applications for New Equipment

Application and Review Process

Once the materials below under Submittal Instructions have been received, Village staff will review the application materials for conformance with Village regulations and will inform the applicant of next steps.

Permitted Uses - Village Property
If the equipment is to be located on Village property/structures, Village staff will negotiate terms and may recommend a lease agreement to the Village Board for approval. Note that an addition to an existing lease may not require Village approval depending on the terms of the lease agreement, but a building permit must still be obtained before construction.

Administratively Approved Uses
If the equipment is to be located on private property, it is considered an administratively approved use if it also meets the requirements in Section 6-19-6(B) of the Village Code. Administratively approved uses are reviewed by staff before being presented before the Village Board. The Board will review the submittal and staff recommendations and may approve or disapprove. A disapproval may be resubmitted through the special use process below.

Special Uses
If the proposed project does not meet the requirements for a permitted or administratively approved use, it is a special use. Special use applications are the same as administratively approved uses, but the process includes an additional step. A public hearing will be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Commission will make a recommendation to the Village Board. See the special use regulations for more information.

Submittal Instructions

To submit an application for a new tower or for new antenna on an exiting structure, please submit the following to Village Hall:

Building Permits

Once approval has been gained from any of the three categories above, the applicant may proceed with the project and start the building permit process. A building permit must be obtained prior to construction.

Also note that a Public Works permit may be required for your project if it impacts public utilities, disturbs the public right-of-way, or includes site work / grading.

Updating Existing Equipment

Updating existing equipment does not require any submittals to the Village Board or Planning and Zoning Commission. However, a building permit, and a Public Works permit if applicable, must be secured before work is started.

Contact Information

Mo Khan
Assistant Village Manager for Development
Office: (847) 683-2181 ext. 28