Posted: 11/3/2022
Download ‘My Hampshire’ App Now!Yes that’s right! You can go directly to the iOS and Android App stores and download your very own 'My Hampshire' app.
The Village Board and Public Relations Committee are making two-way communication with our residents a major priority in the coming weeks and months. Last year, including this newsletter with each water bill was the first step in improving “traditional communication.” The My Hampshire app will dramatically impact two-way digital communication with Village residents.
Using the My Hampshire app you can pay your water bill, apply for a permit, report a street light out or a tree down, find a local business, or anything else for which you might otherwise wonder “who do I call?” Our staff works hard responding to phone calls and emails and will continue to do so. But, for the fastest response time, you can’t beat direct communication with the person who will address your concern. When you report an issue or ask a question, using the My Hampshire app, your inquiry will go directly to the person who will respond. We call that cutting out the middleman, or in this case, our front office staff who usually transfer you to someone who can help.
Hampshire Police and Public Works will also push important notifications out to anyone that has downloaded the app. These notifications will be limited to emergencies, severe weather alerts, serious traffic incidents that might delay travel, street closures, etc., and, from time to time, we will let you know about new exciting events or a new business opening in town.
We look forward to this exciting new communication tool and to Hampshire becoming a Smart City. Come join us by downloading the My Hampshire app now!