Going the Extra Mile For Customers

By: Jeanie Mayer 

Century 21 Employees posing for pictureInside the real estate offices of Century 21 New Heritage there is a sign on the wall that reads, Go the extra mile.  It’s never crowded.

It is a business philosophy that Broker/Owner Lynn Klein shares with her realtors and it is one of the hallmarks of the company’s success in the Village of Hampshire for over 40 years.

“Hampshire has a small-town atmosphere.  It is family orientated and sports are a big thing.  Our company culture is very much like the community.  We are a family-run business.  Everybody who works here is like family.  That type of business culture works well in small towns,” Lynn said.

Lynn and her daughter, Lisa Klein Rossow, co-own the business.  In addition to managing, Lisa also runs the company’s real estate school, which offers real estate classes for new agents four to five times per year.

Lynn’s second daughter, Christine Klein, manages the company’s commercial division.  Christine’s designation of Commercial Broker means she has earned a separate CCIM license that goes above and beyond the licenses of the typical broker. Lynn said the commercial business is challenging, but it is an area where Christine excels.  Christine also serves as Trustee on Hampshire’s Village Board.

The company also maintains a property management division that sees to the management of rental properties.

The Klein’s believe in supporting the communities in which they work and give of their time and expertise wherever there is a need.

‘We try to keep our finger on what’s going on and what we feel the community needs,” Lynn said.

Century 21 has been a part of the Hampshire Area Chamber of Commerce since opening their doors in 1978 and holds active memberships in an additional six chambers in nearby communities.

The 65 agents who work in the company’s four locations:  Hampshire, Huntley, Marengo and West Dundee; believe in giving back to the community as well.

Century 21 has been involved in the town parades in both Burlington and Hampshire since 1978.  They host an annual community garage sale every May and offer a hot chocolate bar during the Mistletoe Christmas event at the Hampshire Middle School each December.

Realtor Mary Sagan has been the Hampshire office’s events coordinator for many years.

“She rallies the troops, plans the parades and handles all of our community involvement events, in addition to being a multi-million-dollar sales agent,” Lynn said.

The company’s recent participation in the park district Trunk-or-Treat event was a huge hit with area children.

Lynn said she runs the office in an old school manner with a major emphasis on customer service.  She makes sure there is a licensed realtor in the office whenever the office is open.  Her philosophy of going the extra mile has resulted in industry awards for quality service for her agency and for individual agents every year she has been in business.

The company’s reputation for quality is something they work hard to maintain.  It is also what brings many customers to the doors of Century 21 New Heritage.

“One thing I hear customers say is, “You are the people who know the area.  You know what you are doing.”   


About this Business

Locations:  Hampshire, Huntley, Marengo & West Dundee
Address:  120 West Oak Knoll (Illinois Route 72) in Hampshire
Owners: Lynn Klein and Lisa Klein Rossow
Hours:  Open 7 days a week from 9am -6pm
Phone:  847-683-2000
Website:  www.NewHeritage.com
Motto: Go the extra mile.  It’s never crowded.