
The Village of Hampshire issues licenses to conduct raffles in accordance with State statute and local ordinances. Only nonprofit organizations may apply to hold a raffle and must complete the Village's Raffle License Application, or provide a copy of a license from another local government if granted elsewhere. Please see the application packet for more details.

Application Process

The Raffle Event Application Packet give all pertinent information regarding eligibility and regulations. Once a completed application and appropriate bond have been received by the Village Clerk, the application will be forwarded to the Village Manager for final approval. Once approved, the raffle may proceed. The required fee may be up to $25 depending on the value of the prizes to be awarded.

Online Raffles

A raffle application is always needed even when conducting an online raffle. The State of Illinois does not allow raffles unless licensed by a local county or municipality, so any online raffle must get a raffle license from some municipality or county. An online raffle is considered to be in the Village when tickets are sold to any Village resident or business, by any nonprofit/organization located in the Village, when an awarding event will be held in the Village, or when the raffle will benefit any organization located in the Village. Please complete this application, or provide a copy of a license from another local government if granted elsewhere.

Post-Raffle Reporting

Within thirty (30) days after a raffle has been concluded, the Raffle Records Submittal form (included in Raffle License Application Packet) must be completed and submitted to the Village Clerk. Records of the raffle must be preserved for three (3) years, and the organization shall make available for public inspection their records relating to the operation of a raffle at reasonable times and places.


Raffle License Application Packet
Official Bond for Raffle Manager
     Only for raffles with prizes up to $15,000.
     If prizes exceed $15,000, a corporate surety bond must be filed with application.

Contact Information

Karen Stuehler
Village Clerk
(847) 683-2181