
The Village Board is chaired by the Village President and sits six Trustees, all elected at-large to four-year terms. The Village Board has final decision-making power over all policies, ordinances, and the annual budget. The Village Board sets the direction for the Village via these tools for staff to then execute. Read more about the current President and Trustees.


The Village Board currently has three committees that meet as needed. Each committee has three Trustees, one of which serves as the chair. The three committees are listed below (chairing trustee) with links to that committee's agendas and minutes. One Trustee also sits on the Business Development Commission.

Budget (Kelly)
Public Relations (Robinson)
Public Works (Koth)

Meetings and Membership

Meetings of the Board of Trustees are held at 7 PM on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month at Village Hall, 234 S State Street in Hampshire.

Public comments may be made in-person at a meeting without prior notice to the Village. Additionally, public comments may be made via a remote meeting link. A request for a remote meeting link should be made to the Village Clerk in writing no later than noon (12pm) the day of the meeting. The Board will allow each person who is properly registered to speak a maximum time of five (5) minutes, provided the Village President may reduce the maximum time to three (3) minutes before public comments begin if more than five (5) persons have registered to speak. Public comment is meant to allow for expression of opinion on, or for inquiry regarding, public affairs but is not meant for debate with the Board or its members. Good order and proper decorum shall always be maintained. Please note that all meetings held via videoconference may be recorded, and all recordings will be made public.

View a list of meeting dates for the Village Board.
View agendas and minutes for the Village Board and its committees.

Members Email
Mike Reid, Jr. - Village President MReid@hampshireil.org
Heather Fodor HFodor@hampshireil.org
Aaron Kelly AKelly@hampshireil.org
Toby Koth TKoth@hampshireil.org
Lionel Mott LMott@hampshireil.org
Erik Robinson ERobinson@hampshireil.org
Laura Pollastrini LPollastrini@hampshireil.org

Village Boar of Trustees posting for picture
(from left to right: Robinson, Koth, Kelly, Village Clerk Linda Vasquez, Reid, Mott, Fodor, Pollastrini)