Hampshire Village Hall
234 S. State Street
P.O. Box 457
Hampshire, IL 60140-0457
The Village of Hampshire Department of Public Works consists of two internal divisions as well as engineering services which are contracted out. Public Works is responsible for maintaining all Village infrastructure and property as well as providing other public services, such as street sweeping and snow removal and ice control to provide a pleasant and safe environment for the Village’s residents.
The Street Maintenance Division is responsible maintenance of streets, street lighting, parkways, alleys, and the storm water system.
The Utilities Division maintains the Village’s water and wastewater infrastructure, including water and sanitary sewer lines, water and wastewater treatment equipment and processes, drinking water wells, and elevated water storage tanks (water towers). Utilities is also responsible for reading water meters.
The Village of Hampshire partners with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. to provide the Village with a full range of services for planning, design, and construction for all major projects.