For a complete reading of EV regulations, please view Ordinance 23-09.


Retail EV Charging Station:
A stationary unit of equipment and infrastructure, whether located indoors or outdoors, that supplies electric energy for the recharging of plug-in electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles that is open to the public, including employees, for retail use, whether or not for charge.

Private EV Charging Station:
A stationary unit of equipment and infrastructure, whether located indoors or outdoors, that supplies electric energy for the recharging of plug-in electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles owned by the property owner or tenant including fleet charging.


Primary Use (main purpose of site)

Retail EVCS are allowed as a primary use as both "Automobile Service Stations" and "Automobile/Truck Stops" similar to other types of vehicle fueling. The following zoning districts allow EVCS as a permitted use under these terms:

  • Automobile Service Station - B-1, B-2, and B-3

  • Automobile/Truck Stop - HC

Accessory Use (added to current business/home)

  • Private EVCS shall be allowed as an accessory use to any primary use in any zoning district; provided, charging of fleet vehicles shall not be allowed in estate or residential zoning districts unless such vehicle is also used as the personal vehicle by the property owner or tenant.

  • Retail EVCS shall be allowed as an accessory use to any primary use in any business or industrial zoning district.

  • Where retail EVCS are capable of completely charging a passenger vehicle faster than one (1) hour of time, or where retail EVCS stalls account for fifty percent (50%) or more of the provided off-street parking, such EV charging shall not be considered accessory use.

Parking & Accessibility

EVCS stalls are required to be designed and constructed in accordance with Village parking stall standards. EVCS stalls may count towards up to 5% of the number of parking spaces required by the zoning regulations. Additional EVCS stalls must be in addition to the required parking.

At least 5% of EVCS stalls must be constructed in accordance with current state and federal accessibility standards.

Illinois Vehicle Code (ILCS 625 ILCS 5/11-1308)
"It shall be prohibited to park a non-electric vehicle in an electric vehicle charging station designated for use by electric vehicles, including an electric vehicle charging station on any private or public off-street parking facility."


Information signs shall be posted where EVCS stalls are designated solely for electric vehicle charging noting such designation and potential enforcement actions such as towing.

All graphics for and on EVCS must be in accordance with the current Community Graphics regulations including permitting where applicable.

Illinois Electric Vehicle Charging Act

Effective January 1, 2024, the Illinois Electric Vehicle Charging Act requires any house or small multifamily building to have "at least one EV-capable parking space for each residential unit that has dedicated parking." The law also addresses new construction or renovation of large multifamily buildings, and it prohibits landlords and HOAs from imposing unreasonable restrictions or outright prohibitions on tenants installing EV chargers.